Thursday, April 12, 2012

Birthday month

I believe in the birthday month. Actually, my husband would tell you it's more like birthday year...simply because beginning in January I may or may not begin using my new age for that year about four months premature. Now that I'm a mid-twenties individual I'm sure my years of rounding up will soon come to an end. But for now I'm still an over the top birthday person.

The great news (and probably the reason I am the way I am) is that my mom loves birthdays too. I'm realizing as I get older that what I thought was and is normal for birthdays isn't always the case in other families. Birthdays are like having Christmas for the whole month. Case and point, my birthday is still a week away but I have already received two presents!

Pretty bomb right :)
Week one of birthday month I received these extremely beautiful Franco Sarto sandals. The fun part was doing online shoe shopping with my mom. Since we live basically a world away it was fun to still be able to shop together thanks to the genius invention of the Internet.

Week two present I am currently utilizing because even though I have a perfectly good laptop on which I could much more efficiently write this post, I'm choosing to use my pretty little iPhone :) because why the heck not? My super awesome family got together like the tricky, gracious, generous people they are and fulfilled one of my wildest dreams of having an iPhone. I married well :) not just the man but the family!

So we will see what is still to come on the actual week/day of my birth. I'd say this birthday month is coming together very nicely.
Yes - I did take a picture of the box, I can't take a picture of my iphone with my iphone.

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