Thursday, March 8, 2012

Challenge ACCEPTED.

I'm especially siked out of my mind at this very moment. WHY?! Because Dr. DeRosset has put out her reading list. To 99% of you that means absolutely nothing. To anyone who had a class with her in college you understand why I am immediately making this announcement. Every day in class I wanted to ask her for a massive list of recommendations in the hopes that one day I could be even remotely as well-read as this incredible woman. And I never did. But now the situation is redeemed and I've got some reading to do.

There it is. It's beautiful. I've read some already, thanks to the woman herself. I just made Chris promise me we would read the entire list before we die. He's not as enthused about it as me but he'll get there. I just wish I could hear DeRosset lecture about each one too. Now I've just got to finish Hunger Games, I would be embarrassed if she knew that's what I was reading but whatever it's gripping :) I hope all my literature lovers appreciate that list because it's a friggin' gold mine.

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