Thursday, October 27, 2011

this is probably mostly for my mom.

Choosing a blog title is a ridiculous task. I almost didn't do it because of that one seemingly simple step. And then you think "I'm going to have to explain anything I put in this little box". So I'm going to get that beginner step out of the way.
Life just changed a little bit for me. Chris and I picked up our lives and chucked them clear across the continent.  Our move is what ultimately "inspired" me to become a blogger, although I'm not sure I can give myself that title until I prove myself faithful to the task. In North Carolina we were living life with most of the people that would have even the slightest desire to read anything I write about so I thought that would be purely redundant. But now we are removed from all of those people and keeping everyone updated is not only exhausting but basically impossible. I forget who I tell what and when and why. It's too much. So mom, this is really mostly for you and maybe only you, which would really be fine with me.

The title. Let's go back to that. It is silly but who really knows what to put there? However, there is a purpose for it so I'll let you in on it. One of my favorite verses is Job 26:14...

"And these are but the outer fringes of His works; how faint the whisper we hear of Him! Who then can understand the thunder of His power?"

Of course this is in the context of great suffering, I'm not going to do an exegesis of the verse but simply say I think this is one of the most beautiful verses I have ever read. I could go a lot further with this...buuut it might be a little too personal for the internet. My basic thought is that we see only the fringes of what God is capable of, that's exciting and so scary. But this truth often carries me, especially in the midst of change. Since this blog is inspired by one of the biggest changes in my life I thought it appropriate to label it with my comforting anthem. Ultimately, Chris and I are here in this foreign land because of His whispers. He led us here and man has He upheld us in the sweetest ways already.

So mom...enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog already(: sorry that I became a member, I just wanted to follow it. Does that mean the same thing?! Oops my bad! Love both you guys dearly and can't wait to read more about your lives(:
