I shall pick up at week 3, since this is where I left you in suspense. And week 3 was where the day of my birth fell...but again this matters little because I celebrate all month.
I was getting a little anxious about my birthday beeecause everytime I asked my sweet husband about the plans he would say each and every time "It's going to be legend, wait for it...." and trail off in to frustrating silence. If you are familiar with the sitcom How I Met Your Mother you will easily identify this as a regular line they use and we are obsessed with that show so we quote them constantly like we are bffs. Anywho - usually I would not have so many nerves anticipating my birthday but I was battling wanting to know what in the world this man had up his sleeve but also loooving being surprised.
Then things got suspicious...
Chris is a student and an employee and busy always always always. So while he is wonderful about so many things one thing that usually falls on me is most of the cleaning of the apartment. Well I came home and he had cleaned. What's going on here...says my brain. But I didn't say that out loud because I didn't want him to think I was sleuthing nor did I want him to feel bad for never cleaning the toilet :) My thoughts immediately went to - someone is coming. Someone is coming for my birthday! That would certainly be legendary. But I didn't say a word. Again no sleuthing.
Another point of suspicion, about a week or so earlier I informed Chris that since I had Thursday and Friday the week of my birthday off I was going to paint the office. Yea that's lame I know but I like to paint and our office, while it is beautiful needs a fresh coat so so bad. If I focus on the walls I think I'd lose it. As I was informing him his face got weird and I asked "is that ok?" and he just responded "nu uh" with toothbrush still in mouth.
So this is what I know. I can't work Thursday or Friday. And Chris cleaned. And Chris wasn't changing his Thursday plans, he still had work and a doc appt but stilllll insisted I not work. Weirdo.
I was starting to get a bit nervous because I felt as if I was figuring out the secret but I was trying to not get my hopes up at the same time. Plus if someone was visiting me I had no clue who it could be. Meanwhile, Wednesday and Thursday morning I had spiritual direction which always puts me in a pensive sort of sad-ish mood. I had this weirdly intense experience earlier in the week of missing the people who know me, all of me, and so I got all sentimental and looked at tons of pics and changed my facebook picture to one of all my girls. Ooooh timing.
Then bum ba du buuuum (how would you even spell that sound). I was being all sad and wondering why in the heck I was at home cleaning on Thursday like I always am when a veeeerrry loud knock freaked the mess out of me, not literally thank goodness. Then this surreal moment happened and my two blonde beauties, my loves from childhood, my most best friends on the planet were standing in front of me smiling super big and squirming all over because their excitement was about to explode out of their bodies. And I just stood there. And I said a lot of nonsense. And I just cried.
Yup I cried.
And I still can't even believe it happened. And they left and I cried a lot more, but that followed an incredible weekend. These ladies have never been to the great state of Cali so showing them around was a lot of fun but you can follow my instagram for that because I posted like crazy that weekend :)
Chris wasn't home when the girls got there, my sweet friend Joe brought them to me. However he called me and the first word out of his mouth was "DARY"! (If you're slow you can just reference what he kept saying to me when I asked him what he was up to, add the two together and hopefully that will make sense. If not...hmm well...) Sneaky sneaky people in my life. My surprise-loving heart was so full.
And it didn't stop there, I'm sure I'll blow up instagram in two nights when I'm looking Coldplay in the face! What what?! Yes that's right. My man made one of my dreams come true and in two days we will experience something extraordinary. COLDPLAY. I can't even wrap my mind around it.
Birthday month. Check.
Huge success. Duh.
Best one yet. I'm almost positive.
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They so pretty. |
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And baseball happened, my favorite. seriously - O V E R W H E L M E D happy. |